Review of Systemic Racism in Education


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What is the Review on Systemic Racism in Education?

The Chiefs Committee on Education (CCOE) advised the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office (YCAO) of the issue about racism in education. YCAO has launched a review of systemic racism in Education in coordination with Yukon First Nation Education Directorate (YFNED).


What are the goals of the review?

  •  Determine how racism impacts the education of Indigenous students and other students of colour in the Yukon;

  • Identify the types of racism experienced by students, their parents, and communities; and

  • Determine whether rural and urban students experience different types of racism.

How can I help the review?

  1. Complete our survey; or talk to us in person or by phone; (before Dec. 2024)

  2. Share our survey; and

  3. Encourage others to talk with us in person or by phone.

What happens after the review?

A formal report will be given to the Chiefs Committee on Education and the Department of Education. It will be tabled at the legislature and made public.

YCAO and YFNED will share the report and key findings with Yukon First Nations based on the First Nations Governments preferences and protocols.

Findings of the review will be summarized in YCAO and YFNED annual reports.